Sedex certification
June 15, 2020
Social Responsibility
July 29, 2020
Winter is time to start weed control. We recommend applying emerging (or residual) herbicides to enter next spring without weed.
Apply residual herbicides in clear, wet and pre-rain soil.
June-July, the main work of the orchards is pruning
In old and weakened orchards the material must be renewed, while in new orchards must be done formation pruning.
Innovation semi-mechanized pruning: reduction of production cost.
Paint pruning cuts.
- Almonds:
Susceptible to wood diseases, paint all cuts and clean tools
- Prunes:
Load regulation: at least 10.000 kilos/hectare striking a balance between size and production.
- Walnuts:
Lighting – Street – Height: the order of importance will depend on each orchard.
Orchards with black pest or wood disease, all contaminated material must be removed and paint the cuts with pruning paste. Currently, there are biological alternatives like Trichoderms, which are effective in controlling wood fungus.
- Vine:
24 chargers are left to 6 visual buds in order to have a size higher than 18 mm.
The result of the pruning: the branch is chopped and incorporated as organic matter.